Fowler Road School

Safe, Smart, Prepared

Telephone02 9681 4054

School Behaviour Support and Management Plan

Fowler Road School is committed to providing a safe, supportive and responsive learning environment, enabling students to have a sense of belonging. We are committed to explicitly teaching and role modelling inclusive and positive behaviour approaches to support all students to be engaged and active learners.

The principles of positive behaviour support, trauma-informed practice, inclusive practice, and social

emotional learning underpin our daily practice. High expectations for student behaviour are established and maintained through a combination of embedded whole school universal and prevention strategies, as well as early intervention, targeted and individual approaches.

All members of the school community are active participants in building a welcoming school culture that values diversity, inclusivity and fosters positive relationships.

Fowler Road School embraces a school culture that is prosocial and pro-learning, and where bullying, racism and violence is neither accepted or expected.